Logging in to vFire Core

You may access vFire Core using a link set up by the system administrator or by entering a URL in the address bar of your browser.

The typical vFire Core URL format is http://<server>/<virtual directory>/Core.aspx which might look something like: http://MyServer/MyVirtualDirectory/Core.aspx

Before you start

If you are accessing vFire Core from a client machine with Windows Vista installed, you should enable Protected mode on your Internet Explorer settings (using an option under the Security tab in your Internet Options). Otherwise, the vFire Core Login window will be hidden behind the Internet Explorer page and you will have to highlight it by selecting the vFire Core application on the task bar.

  1. Launch Internet Explorer and type the vFire Core URL into the address bar (or select the link your administrator has set up) and press Enter. The vFire Core screen is displayed.
  2. You may need to click Reload Login to display the vFire Core Login window.
  3. Type your Login ID and Password (if you are an Administrator, you may be set up to log in automatically).
  4. Select the system to which you want to connect, if there is more than one.
  5. Select Login. The vFire Core system loads and any outstanding windows that you had open in a previous session are displayed.

Logging in as an administrator is a slightly different procedure, and you can find out more about that by clicking here.